Looking for a delicious and simple Steak Kebab recipe? Look no further, this easy to make Steak Kebab recipe will make everyone want more. Best of all, it takes only 40 minutes to prepare, and it cooks in just 15 mins.
Let’s get cooking
STEP 1 Preheat the grill on your oven on medium heat (or prep your BBQ).
STEP 2 Roughly chop the garlic, rosemary and sage and place them in a bowl with oil and salt to create a marinade.
STEP 3 Cut the steak into chunks and coat in the marinade. Leave for at least 30 minutes before cooking to allow the meat to absorb the flavour.
STEP 4 Cut your peppers and onions into chunks, then place them on your skewers along with the marinated steak.
STEP 5 Place the kebabs under the grill in your oven (or on the BBQ) and cook for 10-15 minutes, turning occasionally.
STEP 6 Serve the kebabs with a side salad of your choice.
Here is the list of ingredients you will need
• 400g Steak
• Peppers
• Onions
• Garlic
• Sage
• Rosemary
• Olive Oil
• Salt & Pepper